PROFANE VERONESE | Musée Du Luxembourg, Paris (France) | 2004
Museography: Lina López / Frédéric Lear
Exhibition curators: Patrizia Nitti, Claudio Strinati, Giandomenico Romanelli
Musei Civici Veneziani Collections
● Exhibition design/Curator
● Museography/Scenography design and implementation (museographic route, room ambiance, showcases, lighting, signage and graphic design).
● Logistics (transport, insurances, loan contract).
For the Italian XVIth century, Veronese was the “profane” painter par excellence, because he united in him the two great pictorial traditions that deeply mark the history of the profane painting of the Cinquecento: the Tuscan-Roman tradition and the Venetian tradition. Veronese borrowed from the Roman school the taste for the mythological and allegorical representation that Julio Romano (Raphael’s most famous pupil) had brought to Mantua; Of the Venetian school, he holds the splendor and magnificence of the colors which make him the “royal” artist whose work is destined to celebrate the happiness of living and to illustrate the wonders of the world, the beauty of men and women.
The exhibition wants to emphasize this factor in particular, leaving aside the Veronese painter of religious works and altarpieces, not that this activity is considered minor, but because as splendid as it is, it characterizes it less.
The exhibition will bring together a series of works by Veronese inspired by mythological and allegorical subjects, alongside paintings depicting heroines of the Bible and historical portraits.