SCULPTURAL SPACE | Video and photography | 2015
Artist: Lina López
Video and photography
Variable dimensions
Symmetry abounds in nature. There are several levels of symmetry but spherical symmetry is the most symmetrical of all, since, when turning a sphere, no matter where you look, it always has the same shape. In contemporary theoretical physics there’s a search for a new supersymmetric particle that’s called “Susy”. This particle would explain how the universe developed, in the early stages of its formation. Everything we see in the cosmos comes from those primordial instants.
Supersymmetry could be essential to the creation of dark matter, which accounts for 95% of the universe, while perceptible matter is only about 5%. Symmetrical particles could reveal a hidden world and clarify the components of dark matter. Symmetry could easily be behind a good portion of the phenomena that we cannot explain through modern physics. UNAM’s “Sculptural Space”, in Mexico City, is used to demonstrate spherical symmetry and through the use of different frequencies within it, it becomes a component of a time machine of incomprehensible dimensions.